Mission Produce™ Steve Barnard Details Mango Category Growth Opportunities
OXNARD, CA - Mission Produce™ has long had its hand in the avocado category, proving operational strength at the retail level and beyond. Now, the company is delving even deeper into the mango category as it sees exponential growth. Steve Barnard, Chief Executive Officer, authored a statement about this growth.

After 40 years in the produce industry, I’ve seen a lot of change, and most of all, a lot of opportunity.
I remember when the avocado category in the U.S. took off in the early 2000s. Before then, the per capita consumption of avocados was less than 2 pounds [USDA. Per Capita Availability]. Avocados were considered an “exotic” or “luxury” commodity, and grocers typically sold the fruit hard.
Shoppers couldn’t buy an avocado and eat it in the same day. Eventually, we figured out that consumers liked to buy ripe fruit, which increased consumption, and the supply from Mexico opened. In addition, nutritional research revealed the health benefits of avocados and debunked the perception that avocados were high in cholesterol. And then came the avocado toast. These events made up what I call the “Avocado Revolution.” Today, avocados are a staple of the American diet, and we continue to see growth in Europe and Asia [Rabobank. Global Growth Far from Over. May 2023]

Mission Produce was in the right place at the right time for avocados. And now, we’re on the cusp of the next big thing in produce—mangos.
In 2021, we made the decision to go “all in” on fresh mangos. Mission Produce had the global network, the relationships, the infrastructure and distribution, and the technology to introduce the market to ripe mangos at an unparalleled scale. It was an opportunity we couldn’t miss. And our mango business has steadily grown ever since– in 2023, we sold 46 million pounds of mangos, and we’re just getting started.
For more from Barnard’s statement, click here.
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