The Produce Marketing Association And Center For Growing Talent Appoint New Executive Director

The Produce Marketing Association And Center For Growing Talent Appoint New Executive Director

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NEWARK, DE - It’s change time for the Produce Marketing Association and Center for Growing Talent, as the organization has recently named Doug Bohr as its next Executive Director. Longtime leader Margi Prueitt will be retiring after nine years at the helm, making way for Bohr to join the organization on March 20. Bohr’s role will be to oversee leadership for CGT, help advance its fundraising efforts, and continue to work to provide solutions to attract, develop, and retain the talent essential to the growth of the produce and floral communities.

Marty Craner, Board of Directors, Center For Growing Talent, and President, B&C Fresh Sales“The mission of CGT is hugely important to the future of our industry,” said Marty Craner, CGT Board Chair. “For those of us on the search committee, it was critical that the new Executive Director would be able to continue the work establishing CGT as the source of solutions and initiatives to attract and retain the best talent in our industry. We have definitely found that with Doug.”

In his role as Executive Director, Doug Bohr will oversee leadership for CGT, help advance its fundraising efforts, and continue to work to provide solutions to attract, develop, and retain talent

Bohr brings with him extensive experience in public programming in the nonprofit sector, serving most recently as Vice President of the Philadelphia Zoo—a position he held since 2017. His role as Vice President included overseeing the strategic planning, development, and implementation of new initiatives. Bohr also initiated a planning and evaluation unit aimed at improving the organization’s collection and use of data to measure impact and improve business intelligence. Before the Philadelphia Zoo, Bohr spent 12 years at the Pew Charitable Trusts where one of his successes was a three-part research study on the creation of a talent attraction and retention strategy for the city of Philadelphia. Margi Prueitt commented that Bohr’s wealth of experience in fundraising, program design, and public engagement will be crucial for his new role.

Margi Prueitt, Retiring PMA Senior Vice President, Center for Growing Talent“CGT is able to offer invaluable programs and initiatives for the produce and floral industry because of the great support of our board, volunteers, and our contributors,” said Prueitt in a press release. “I’m thrilled someone of Doug’s caliber and background will be taking the reins to continue to grow CGT’s impact.”

CGT’s portfolio serves individuals at all levels of their professional journey within the produce and floral industy. As business needs change based on factors like consumer demand and technological disruption, so does the need for high quality talent. It is essential to attract new talent, especially from the new batch of young people entering the workforce—something Bohr is eager to do.

Doug Bohr, Incoming Executive Director, Center for Growing Talent“This sector is poised for growth, particularly as issues of lifestyle, health, and sustainability are increasingly front-of-mind for today’s consumers and likely will be for generations to come,” Bohr said. “What will drive this growth is talent. Thanks to Margi’s leadership, CGT, working in close partnership with PMA, is well positioned to support the industry’s efforts to attract, develop, and retain talent with the diverse skills necessary to meet the challenges and opportunities of a rapidly changing world. Our ability to do so going forward will enrich the sector and benefit individual businesses across the supply chain. I look forward to leading CGT into this next chapter and working with our partners to tell the story of this industry as one of growth and opportunity.”

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Produce Marketing Association Center for Growing Talent

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