Southeast Produce Council Announces Nolan Family Foundation Scholarship Winner; David Sherrod Comments
MILLIEN, GA - Celebrating the ethics and integrity of the next generation of industry leaders, the Southeast Produce Council (SEPC) has announced the 2021 SEPC Nolan Family Foundation Scholarship recipient. This year, Brayden Browder, son of Jon Browder of the Pioneer Growers Cooperative, has been awarded with the $5,000 honor based on his hard work and dedication.
“We are excited again this year to be one of the recipient organizations of the wonderful scholarships provided by the Nolan Family Foundation. I hope we always remember the legacy of ethics that Jim fought for on behalf of our entire industry. We want to thank Theresa for her commitment to keep that legacy alive by providing these funds for tomorrow's leaders,” said David Sherrod, President and Chief Executive Officer. “We are truly grateful for their gifts given to members of the Southeast Produce Council. I also want to congratulate this year's recipient, Braydon Browder, for his hard work. We wish him well in his future studies and career."
The scholarship was established to memorialize Jim Nolan, who took an ethical stand on a business matter that cost him greatly, according to a press release. Due to his strong ethical standing, Nolan was criticized, and although he passed away before a trial found him correct in his thoughts, he remains an example of strength of character and principles.
SEPC’s Nolan Family Foundation Scholarship recipients receive a one-time scholarship of $5,000, provided by Theresa Nolan. All SEPC scholarships are awarded to applicants who meet the application criteria of having a parent or grandparent who is a corporate member in good stand with the organization.
Applicants must be either graduating high school seniors or enrolled as college freshmen, sophomores, juniors, or seniors and have a minimum GPA of 3.0. Other factors taken into account by the Nolan Family Foundation Committee include letters of recommendation from high school and/or college staff, clergy, community leaders, etc. and the quality of the essay submitted, covering the importance of ethics.
Congratulations to Brayden Browder for earning this achievement!