Bee Sweet Citrus Announces Availability of Specialty Citrus Varieties
FOWLER, CA - How are those New Year’s resolutions coming along, friends? Consumers everywhere set their focus on health and wellness at the start of 2024, and Bee Sweet Citrus is catering to the need for healthy offerings with an assortment of citrus varieties.
“Every winter, shoppers flock to produce aisles looking for fresh ingredients to implement into their new, health-focused resolutions,” stated Bee Sweet Citrus Director of Communications Monique Mueller. “At Bee Sweet Citrus, we have an assortment of winter citrus varieties that will entice shoppers to utilize citrus in their meals and try something new.”
The citrus provider currently has Navel oranges, lemons, grapefruit, Meyer lemons, and Mandarins available for its customers, as well as an assortment of specialty varieties such as Pummelos, Cara Cara oranges, and Royal Red oranges. The quality and flavor of each of these varieties is nothing short of excellent, Bee Sweet reports.

The grower has also started shipping Heirloom Navels and Minneola Tangelos, offering customers a wide array of varieties packed under one roof.
“In addition to the nutritional benefits that citrus offers, our customers can capitalize on upcoming holidays, such as Chinese New Year and Valentine’s Day, to market the citrus category,” continued Mueller. “During the Chinese New Year, Pummelos are often consumed for good luck, and the pink and reddish hues of our Cara Caras and Royal Red Oranges are perfect for vibrant Valentine's Day meals and desserts.”
With New Year’s resolutions prompting an increased focus on fresh, make sure to harness the opportunities provided by this diverse citrus lineup!