DJ Forry Adds New DJ Label to Expand Grape Line
REEDLY, CA - DJ Forry has announced that it’s adding a new grape label to its DJ Forry brand just in time to start in the Delano growing areas—the DJ’s label grape.
Capitalizing on the success of its four years of success with the Forry’s Finest label, also now growing out of Delano, CA, DJ Forry believes the DJ’s label will be able to provide a smaller sized grape to a broader array of customers.
“We’re really excited about DJ’s, we feel it rounds out our offering and enables us to reach a broader mix of customers,” the company said in a press release. “Every carton of DJ’s grapes contains the same export quality fruit as our Forry’s Finest label, just a tic smaller in size.”
For over forty years, the majority of DJ Forry’s grapes were earmarked for export to points across the globe. However, over the last three years the company says it has worked to carve out more and more of its export quality fruit for the domestic marketplace, primarily through marketing directly to domestic retailers.
“Our Forry’s Finest label is a premium grape offering with outstanding sugars, color and size. We feel that that the eating quality of our Forry’s Finest grapes is truly outstanding,” said DJ Forry in its release.
2015 marks the fourth year for the Forry's Finest label, and the first year for the new DJ’s label grape.