Grimmway Farms, Prime Time International, and More Share April Fools Posts
UNITED STATES - Those who prank together stay together. That’s totally how the phrase goes, right? Whether or not the phrasing is accurate, our industry got its share of pranks yesterday during April Fools Day.
As we were scrolling through Instagram yesterday, a few creative posts caught our eye—mainly because we were nearly tricked! Let’s walk through some of the tricksters’ posts now and see if you'll be inspired come next year's premium pranking holiday.
Grimmway Farms
New product alert? You know that our eyes are trained to seek out any innovations to hit the market, but the flavors here might not work out for anyone over the age of six. You got us Grimmway!

Prime Time International
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, but I bet he didn’t account for any of them being pink! Although cotton candy as a flavor has yet to hit the pepper segment, we’re not entirely ruling it out.

Frieda’s Branded Produce
Now this one hurts my heart. Not only would this be the most stunning thing to hit my plate, but I just know it would be refreshing to boot. Frieda’s, if you can make this happen, you would make me one happy customer!

Dole Food Company
Honestly, if this were an option for swag at an industry event, I would take home four. It looks like a Viking ship and a banana had a baby. I mean, the sides peel, guys! Why wouldn’t you want this?

Here’s to next year’s April Fools! Let’s see if we can top this one.