PMA Launches the Eating by Example Campaign to Increase Produce Consumption
NEWARK, DE - The Produce Marketing Association (PMA) has announced the launch of its Eating by Example program, designed to increase produce consumption by starting within the produce industry. Six passionate produce professionals, including Caitlin Antle Wilson of Tanimura & Antle, Matt Mandel of SunFed, Cassie Howard of Sunkist Growers, and the rest of the Produce Marketing Association Foundation Emerging Leaders Program graduates, are leading the charge for this industry-focused program.
Eating by Example encourages industry members to pledge to do just that – eat by example, and it’s easy to sign on. Visit www.pma.com/eatingbyexample and add your name and company. No registration fees or check-ins!
“We all know how wonderful produce is: Its diverse flavors, exciting applications, and fun colors make it unique. As produce people we are fortunate to work with it for a living. And as such, we lead the charge to make sure everybody enjoys great tasting fruit and veggies every single day,” PMA shared on its website. “We propose an important part of increasing produce consumption is leading – in this case eating – by example! We have the opportunity and the power to show everybody how it’s done. So let us all, as produce businesses, come together and lead the way.”
PMA wants to show everyone that this industry walks its talk. Share the message using #EatingByExample in your social media feeds.
“I congratulate these six industry members for seeing an opportunity and bringing it to us—a program for members, from members. Check out the website to learn more about them and how they transformed an idea into an action,” said Bryan Silbermann, Chief Executive Officer of PMA.
Also involved in Eating by Example are three equally passionate fresh produce professionals and proud PMA Foundation Emerging Leaders Program graduates: Elena Hernandez of Duda Farm Fresh Foods, Kathleen Elliott of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., and Kim Saxer of Monsanto Company.
So sign up and start sharing your love for increasing produce consumption with #EatingByExample!