California Avocado Commission Shares 2023 Marketing Plans and Seasonal Forecast; Jeff Oberman Details

California Avocado Commission Shares 2023 Marketing Plans and Seasonal Forecast; Jeff Oberman Details

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IRVINE, CA - In a recent interview with the California Avocado Commission’s (CAC) Jan DeLyser, the Vice President of Marketing shared some of the organization’s strategies for 2023. We heard some more details of those strategies yesterday afternoon when CAC announced its marketing plans along with the early season California crop forecast.

Jeff Oberman, President, California Avocado Commission“The recent California rainfall has been welcomed by our growers throughout all districts,” said Jeff Oberman, President. “Growers have related increased sizing and crucial replenishing of water sources, during my recent visits to all production regions. We do not yet know if there will be any change to the expected harvest timing, however excitement is building from our retail partners for the kick-off of the California season.”

The CA harvest estimate is 257 million pounds, a slight decrease compared to the 2021-22 season volume of 276 million pounds. The majority (243 million pounds) of the harvest is expected to be the Hass variety, a press release noted. The remaining is Lamb Hass at 7 million pounds, GEM at 6 million, and about 1 million from other varieties.

Weather and market conditions will be key factors for harvest; some growers may delay picking to allow avocados time to increase in size. There likely will be some harvesting in time for the Big Game, with limited volume available for local promotions, the release stated. Volume is expected to begin ramping up around March, with peak availability from April through July then tapering off through Labor Day.

The California Avocado Commission announced its 2023 marketing plans along with the early season California crop forecast

“The Commission’s media plan and new creative executions are in development with an expected launch in April,” said Oberman. “We are eagerly anticipating peak California avocado season in the spring and summer months with additional volume for promotions and customized marketing support.”

CAC’s the best avocados have California in them campaign will include new creative executions to keep the communications fresh, such as California avocado tips, grower spotlights, and creative videos. CAC also keeps avocados top of mind for shoppers by geotargeting consumers near stores merchandising the fruit.

The commission’s year-round social media program ramps up leading into the season, beginning in February. Social efforts will gain momentum in March, with support across multiple channels.

Stick around for more on the upcoming California avocado season.

California Avocado Commission

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California Avocado Commission

Created in 1978, the California Avocado Commission strives to enhance the premium positioning of California avocados…