Bee Sweet Citrus Spotlights Summer Citrus Program; Jason Sadoian Shares

Bee Sweet Citrus Spotlights Summer Citrus Program; Jason Sadoian Shares

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FOWLER, CA - With the recent Summer Solstice, the season of sunshine and warm weather here in the Northern Hemisphere has officially begun. This also marks the start of Bee Sweet Citrus’ summer program, providing its retail partners and their shoppers with a wide range of effervescent varieties.

Jason Sadoian, Sales Representative, Bee Sweet Citrus“Demand and quality are both good; our volume is steady, and we anticipate it staying that way during the summer months,” Jason Sadoian, Sales Representative, starts our conversation by telling me.

Bee Sweet’s lineup this summer includes California-grown grapefruit, lemons, and Valencia oranges. The supplier will also offer imported Navel oranges, lemons, and mandarins, all of which are packed in bags or cartons and inspected and re-ran on the provider’s lines for optimal quality.

Bee Sweet Citrus' summer program includes a variety of high-quality California-grown and imported varieties to appeal to consumers in the produce aisles

Want to take advantage of these offerings to boost your sales? Jason recommends capitalizing on ad opportunities during periods when imported volume picks up. Beautiful displays featuring Bee Sweet’s brilliantly colored citrus will also help to draw consumers’ eyes. Retailers can’t go wrong with cross-merchandising citrus with other summer-centric foods and recipe ingredients to encourage impulse purchases.

As the temperatures rise, let your produce department heat up by adding Bee Sweet’s summer citrus lineup to your shelves.

Bee Sweet Citrus

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Bee Sweet Citrus

Bee Sweet Citrus was founded in 1987 as an independent packer and shipper of California oranges. As our business grew, we…