Fresh Produce Association of the Americas Applauds USTR for Rejecting Florida 301 Petition; Lance Jungmeyer Comments

Fresh Produce Association of the Americas Applauds USTR for Rejecting Florida 301 Petition; Lance Jungmeyer Comments

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WASHINGTON - Recently, the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) announced the rejection of the Section 301 petition, alternatively known as the Florida 301 petition. The office also announced it will pursue avenues to assist the Southeast seasonal produce industry in coordination with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). In response to this news, the Fresh Produce Association of the Americas (FPAA) applauds the USTR for its decision.

Lance Jungmeyer, President, Fresh Produce Association of the Americas“The claim was meritless from the onset,” said Lance Jungmeyer, President of Nogales, Arizona-based FPAA. “USTR absolutely made the right decision to reject the baseless request from Senator [Marco] Rubio, who has made this an election-year issue.”

If the USTR had initiated a 301 Investigation that was not supported by facts that could have resulted in tariffs or quotas, continued the FPAA release, it could have drastically added to food inflation by increasing the price of fruits and vegetables. It would have also resulted in retaliatory tariffs or quotas on American farmers who export to Mexico.

Recently, the Office of the United States Trade Representative announced the rejection of the Section 301 petition, alternatively known as the Florida 301 petition

For more information on the USTR outline, click here. To read more about FPAA’s response to the decision, click here.

AndNowUKnow will keep an eye on the wire for the latest.

Fresh Produce Association of the Americas

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Fresh Produce Association of the Americas

The Fresh Produce Association of the Americas and its members help to ensure North America’s uninterrupted access to…