Brett Burdsal Taking Over as New Director of Marketing for SunFed
NOGALES, AZ - SunFed has a new Director of Marketing: Brett Burdsal. The former Regional Director of Marketing at CMI has a big vision for SunFed's future. Talking with him, it is obvious how strongly Brett believes in SunFed's product and how excited he is to share that passion with retailers and consumers.
“I view SunFed like a sleeping giant in the industry,” Brett told ANUK. “There's no beating the quality of our product. Our squash, eggplant, peppers and melons; everything we grow here at SunFed can compete with any product on the market. Here we combine our core products with a strong organic program, our passion to foster new varieties and our new fair trade certification. With an innovated, forward thinking company like SunFed, I can focus fully on making a connection with our consumers and retail partners, demonstrating to them exactly why we're who they should lean on for their needs.”
The way Brett envisions SunFed doing this is through a concerted marketing push involving innovative packaging designs, labeling, new varieties and produce displays.
“A product's biggest impact with the consumer is always going to be at the shelf,” Brett explained. “I want to tell the story of our product through our packaging in an innovative, unique way that consumers will be drawn to.”
Brett's skill of communicating with consumers through packaging is a large part of the reason that Mark Cassius, SunFed's Chief Innovation Officer, reached out to him about joining the SunFed team.
“Brett brings a wealth of passion, knowledge and leadership to SunFed as his lighthearted approach resonates with consumers,” Mark shared. “Additionally Brett has built a track record of success providing category solutions to key retailers. We are extremely happy to have Brett join our SunFed team.”
Brett knows all too well that marketing directors can often get overwhelmed by the sheer variety of techniques and outlets available to them in the modern economy, with social media outlets and online marketing campaigns becoming increasingly popular. While he acknowledges the importance of these many techniques, Brett understands that the fundamental relationship between grower and buyer is built in the retail aisle not on Facebook.
“Good packaging does more than keep the product fresh,” he reminds ANUK. “It also keeps your brand, your story, fresh and relevant.
With this perspective in mind, it certainly looks like SunFed has found a great asset in Brett.
Congratulations on the new position Brett!