The California Fresh Fruit Association Mourns the Loss of Longtime Board Member Dean Thonesen

The California Fresh Fruit Association Mourns the Loss of Longtime Board Member Dean Thonesen

REEDLEY, CA - The produce industry lost longtime member Dean Thonesen last week after a long battle with cancer. Mr. Thonesen passed away October 29.

Mr. Thonesen served on the California Fresh Fruit Association’s Board of Directors from 2002 to 2019. In 2008, he joined the association's Executive Committee and remained there into this year.

The CFFA noted in an announcement that, throughout the years, he was a familiar face at many association activities and functions, known for constantly showing integrity and passion for the industry.

In addition, the CFFA touted Mr. Thonesen’s leadership and positive influence, stating that his direction helped steer the organization through countless challenges.

“Dean was a fantastic ambassador for the California fresh fruit industry. He was an active member on our Board of Directors and a trusted advisor to Association leadership,” Ian LeMay, President of CFFA, shared with our team. “He was always a calm voice and a friendly smile in any room he walked into, the kind of person that made coming to work worthwhile, and his presence will be sorely missed.”

Mr. Thonesen is survived by his wife Mary, son Greg, family, and friends.

A visitation has been set for Friday, November 8, at the Christ Lutheran Church in Reedley, California, and a celebration of Mr. Thonesen’s life will take place on Saturday, November 9. The location for the Saturday event is yet to be determined, but will be followed by a lunch at the Kingsburg Gun Club.

Our team at AndNowUKnow joins the CFFA in sending thoughts and prayers out to all those affected by the loss.