International Fresh Produce Association Mobilizes Membership Ahead of White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health; Mollie Van Lieu Comments
NEWARK, DE & WASHINGTON, DC - As the current White House Administration has announced a series of regional listening sessions to aid in the creation of the United States nutrition security blueprint, the International Fresh Produce Association (IFPA) is enlisting a broad cross-section of its membership to participate in representing the fresh produce industry.
“With the conference coming in September, the Administration is quickly undertaking the stakeholder feedback process via these listening sessions, so it was imperative that we asked a diverse cross-section of our membership to attend and share their perspectives,” said IFPA Vice President of Nutrition and Health Mollie Van Lieu.
The blueprint will be unveiled at the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health in September, a release stated. In addition to participating in the listening sessions, IFPA is a member of the National Strategy Group on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health—convened by Tufts University, Food Systems for our Future, the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, and World Central Kitchen—to help inform the conference.
IFPA remains committed to collaborating with Congress and the current Administration to prioritize nutrition policies that improve dietary quality for all U.S. citizens.
“The blueprint represents an opportunity to embed IFPA’s nutrition priorities as part of a national strategy focused on improving the health of all Americans,” said Van Lieu. “As IFPA continues to work on nutrition issues for its members, thank you to everyone who let the Administration know our industry is ready to play a leadership role in solving our nation’s health crises.”
How will this blueprint impact the fresh produce industry? Look for the little green apple logo for answers.