Youngstown Distributors Adds New Pomegranate Aril Cups and Organic Aril Packs
REEDLY, CA - Announcing new products and new packaging, Youngstown Distributors is offering consumers even more reasons to say, “I love pomegranates.”
“Pomegranates are more popular than ever, and our new aril products help meet that demand,” says Youngstown Distributors’ President, Mike Forrest. “Consumers are looking for convenience and nutrition; these new package options, offer both to consumers without having to sacrifice nutrition for convenience.”
For Youngstown’s organic pomegranate arils, new sizes of 16 oz, 8 oz, 5.3 oz, and 4.4 oz packages are now available. Consumers will be able to enjoy the nutrition and flavor that the fresh organic arils have to offer by easily opening the package and adding them to their favorite recipe, or even eating them by the handful.
New conventional arils are also now available in cups, offered in 4.4 oz and 2 oz sizes and sold as individual cups or 4-packs. These cups are perfect for children and adult lunches, on-the-go consumers looking for a healthy alternative to traditional snacks, or as a flavorful addition to any meal, the company says.
According to a press release, Youngstown Distributors also offer whole pomegranates, and are currently supplying Early Wonderful variety fruit from California. Product availability for Wonderful variety whole pomegranates will begin soon, starting in October and continuing through April. You can learn even more about Youngstown Distributors’ product offerings, by visiting them at PMA Fresh Summit booth 2111!