Rainier Fruit Company Rolls Out Lady Alice® Apples for the Holidays
SELAH, WA – Rainier Fruit Company is rolling out its Lady Alice® apples and multiple POS options to boost sales for retailers this holiday season.
The early release will give retailers an opportunity to debut this Rising Star variety for New Year promotions, as well as help satisfy the increased consumer demand.
“Known as ‘The Perfectly Balanced Apple,’ the Lady Alice® has a beautiful appearance and exceptional flavor that makes it ideal for holiday cooking and baking, but it’s the crisp, clean snap that makes it absolutely irresistible – a trait common amongst Rising Star,” the company said in a press release.
With consumers already primed to incorporate more nutritious options in their diets for New Year resolutions, the debut of this unique variety will only help solidify good eating (and consequently, purchasing) habits.
“The excellent eating quality of Rising Stars has made these varieties consumer favorites, resulting in repeat sales and increasing category dollars at a rate that outpaces their more traditional counterparts (e.g., Red Delicious, Braeburn, Golden Delicious),” Rainier said.
Multiple POS options, social media, demos, and other customized promotional efforts are available for retailers to take advantage of this exciting apple variety.