Divine Flavor's Michael DuPuis Discusses Multiple Programs Set to Showcase at Organic Produce Summit
MONTEREY, CA - Before we know it, Organic Produce Summit (OPS) will be here. A show that is both a feast for the eyes and the mind, OPS is a must-attend event for many reasons. One such reason is the quality of suppliers present, and I was fortunate enough to speak with one such company that fits that caliber. Divine Flavor is ready to hit the show floor with a bevy of organic offerings.
“We will be highlighting our summer organic products such as mini peppers, bell peppers, our Magnifico grape tomatoes, Persian cucumbers, Long English cucumbers, and possibly our table grapes,” Michael DuPuis, Quality Assurance and Public Relations Coordinator, shared with me. “As our company has transitioned into a year-round supplier of all of our products, it’s important for us to showcase the entire Divine Flavor product lineup.”
Another exciting element for the supplier is that its organic bell pepper program in Central and Baja, Mexico, is ready to start this year.
“Our traditional program is in West Mexico in the Culiacán region, which goes from November to May. Our same producer there has set up shop in those other areas of Mexico to cover our programs during the summer but also give us a better transition at the end of the year before West Mexico starts back up again. This will give us tremendous flexibility and opportunity for our key retailers who look for year-round programs on the category,” Michael noted.
A firm believer in growing as much organic produce as possible, Divine Flavor is dedicated to growing better food for a better world.
“We believe that in order to grow the healthiest and freshest products, it all starts with growing organically and sustainably. Our company avidly supports the Organic Produce Network and OPS. As our company has made a mark on the industry as one of the largest organic table grape and bell pepper growers in all of Mexico, it’s important to show our buyers our other staple organic products,” Michael explained.
This year, Divine Flavor will have all of its Category Managers in attendance, each of which bring a strategic dynamic to the table.
“Our Sales Managers specialize in the commodities they handle and, between all of them, it will be a great opportunity for any current or future customers to stop by our booth to chat with them,” Michael emphasized. “What makes Divine Flavor a special company is that we are a huge family-built company, and all of the farms we manage are our own farms, which gives us great control throughout the entire process.”
For its retail partners, Divine Flavor is an organic producer and brand they can rely on. With the focus set on expanding its organic programs further, this is one company to keep an eye on.
Be sure to stop by booth #300 to see the team for yourself!