Monterey Mushrooms Taps Into Summer Merchandising Opportunities; Mike Stephan Details

Monterey Mushrooms Taps Into Summer Merchandising Opportunities; Mike Stephan Details

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WATSONVILLE, CA - Around the warm summer weekends that follow Independence Day, one category shoppers always flock to is mushrooms. Lucky for its buy-side partners, Monterey Mushrooms harvests fresh mushrooms every day, which means mushrooms are always in season. As the summer heat ignites new opportunities to drive growth for the category, I tapped Mike Stephan, Director of Sales, to uncover the key to success this season.

Mike Stephan, Director of Sales, Monterey Mushrooms“Whenever someone is entertaining or hosting guests, it's always those ‘little things that make a big impression.’ That’s what fresh mushrooms bring to any special event, meal, or party,” Mike says. “We are that little thing that makes a big difference.”

With a multitude of uses and a rapidly growing fan base, mushrooms can be a huge sales driver in the produce department, especially when elevated by strategic promotions and cross-merchandising. To offer up one example, retailers can place mushrooms near the meat department or showcase delicious recipes to inspire shoppers to blend up diced mushrooms with their favorite meats.

Monterey Mushrooms harvests fresh mushrooms every day, which means mushrooms are always in season

“Items that have ‘expandable consumption’ will drive dollar sales through merchandising larger packages,” advises Mike. “Similar to the berry category that moved from pints to quarts to 2 lb packages, so too can mushrooms. If you merchandise, promote, and stock a larger package—such as 16 oz or 24 oz—the mushroom consumer will prepare and eat more mushrooms!”

With barbecue season in full swing, consumers are already gearing up to eat more mushrooms, creating valuable opportunities for retailers looking to maximize sales.

Mushrooms can be a huge sales driver in the produce department, especially when elevated by strategic promotions and cross-merchandising

“Mushrooms tend to be that one invited guest that might be quiet but brings out the best in everyone!” Mike shares. “Whether you’re grilling steaks, burgers, or chicken breasts, adding mushrooms makes the meal special.”

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Monterey Mushrooms

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Monterey Mushrooms has a dedicated group of women and men who embody the intellect, integrity, creative imagination and…