Walmart Distribution Center in Alabama Secures Tax Incentives, Moves Closer to Open
BENTONVILLE, AR - Walmart has taken strides toward a two million-square-foot distribution facility with the approval of local tax incentives from the Mobile City Council in Irvington, Alabama.
“This is going to be by far the largest building in Mobile County, and have ever had. I mean, we’re talking over two million square-feet under roof,” County Commissioner Connie Hudson said, according to WKRG.
A total of $4.6 million in incentives was approved by both the county and city, but the retail giant continues to remain at a distance when it comes to confirming the project’s construction
“We’re still in the process of doing this, nothing can be said [that] this is for certain,” said Walmart Public Affairs and Government Relations’ Glen Wilkins, adding that something could happen while the company does its do due diligence. “We’re excited about this, we’re committed to this site, and that’s where we’re at right now.”
Alabama has pledged $7 million in incentives as well, according to the attorney for Mobile County Jay Ross, but hasn’t approved them yet. Local officials continue to remain confident and excited, however, about the facility.
“This is just exciting, not only is it Walmart but this will be the beginning of other distribution centers coming and locating next to the state docks,” said County Commissioner Merceria Ludgood.
According to the report, though nothing is yet confirmed, Walmart would be able to begin construction this coming December, and be up and running by December of 2018, with full time employment required by December of 2021. The location could offer upwards of 550 full-time jobs and 200 seasonal jobs to the area.
As more information on this newest distribution center becomes available, AndNowUKnow will keep you up to date with the latest.