LIV Produce's Anthony Innocenti and Carrie Briones Look to OPS 2023

LIV Produce's Anthony Innocenti and Carrie Briones Look to OPS 2023

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CAPISTRANO BEACH, CA - When the industry converges in Monterey, California, for the exclusive Organic Produce Summit’s (OPS) return, Anthony Innocenti will be coming home.

Anthony Innocenti, Managing Partner, LIV Produce“I am from Northern California originally and we are proud to strongly support OPS,” the Managing Partner for LIV Produce recently shared. “Not only have we seen great success from participating in the show, its focus on organics further solidifies our own position in the organic marketplace."

LIV Produce has continued to grow in its own right, with the recent addition of further packing capabilities—especially capabilities on potatoes, onions, and citrus—for private label packing for retailers on a national scale.

Not only has LIV Produce seen great success from participating in OPS, but its focus on organics further solidifies the grower's position in the organic marketplace

“We have further expanded not only our packing and processing capabilities, but our boots on the ground to ensure our resources further,” Anthony shared, reflecting on how unique the past several months have been for the industry. “It has been an interesting year in produce, with surprising weather across the nation. But in spite of the big swings, we have stuck to our core principles that got us started, staying the course and pursuing new business, which has seen our buying partners consistently supported.”

In that vein, Carrie Briones, Head of Sales and Grower Relations, reflected on the citrus outlook over the coming summer months and potentially tight supply.

Carrie Briones, Head of Sales and Grower Relations, LIV Produce“Citrus has fallen in line with much of California’s broader fruit season this summer, with a shorter-than-usual harvest and light supplies experienced across several commodities, it will be a challenging summer,” Carrie observed. “We have been fortunate to strategize with our grower partners to ensure we provide the best quality timing of their crops to the market.”

Another boon to the company’s delivery is control on the packing side.

“Our packing of all citrus at our own facility really allows us to be nimble to align the two sides. We are already starting to work with our grower partners to look toward fall time and look to be well positioned for a good fall organic season,” Carrie assured me.

LIV Produce has continued to grow in its own right, with the recent addition of further packing capabilities—especially capabilities on potatoes, onions, and citrus—for private label packing for retailers on a national scale

Additionally, LIV will offer expanded acreage on potatoes going into the fall, all of which will be highlighted at a new booth approach from the supplier that buyers won’t want to miss.

“We are highlighting value-added especially—we have added so many packing capabilities across the board, particularly in citrus and potatoes, with a modern approach,” Anthony shared. “A booth can be nothing or it can reflect the culture and energy of the company. We are excited to showcase how we reinvent the wheel and enjoy change by how we present ourselves on the show floor.”

I will certainly be swinging by booth #801 to see for myself. As the two industry experts observed, OPS is the place to be to extend organic presence as a buyer and a supplier. See you there at the Monterey Conference Center July 12–13!

LIV Produce

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