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    Julie deWolf, Director of Retail Marketing, Sunkist Growers

  • I look forward to receiving the freshest news presented in a pleasing format twice a day. Broad based industry information that is relevant and interesting with an occasional bit of humor thrown in.

    Charlie Eagle, Vice President Business Development, Southern Specialties

  • AndNowUKnow does an excellent job of truly telling the farm to consumer story. They take the time to listen, ask questions, and reflect in a beautifully written and designed package. Their articles and magazines are gorgeous, engaging, easy, and fun.

    Catherine Gipe-Stewart, Director of Marketing, Domex Superfresh Growers

  • I look forward to seeing the freshest produce industry news on the daily And Now U Know. It's current, refreshing and on point. The site also provides excellent information on produce professionals, products, companies and current trends.

    Frank Padilla, VP and GMM for Produce and Meat, Costco Wholesale

  • I trust the information I read from AndNowUKnow. I know this because of our history with them at TLC. When they call and ask for a quote, I am confident that what I say will be shared verbatim. This had been proved time and again. They allow the message to speak for itself and don’t pontificate, take editorial license, or bend the facts to…

    Todd Linsky, Founder, Todd Linsky Consulting